Espresso Tonic

Espresso Tonic

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Espresso with tonic water: The ultimate trend drink

In addition to cold brew, ice brew and preparation with the cold drip method, there is now a new cult drink for hot summer days that makes the hearts of coffee lovers beat faster (in the truest sense of the word): espresso with tonic water.

Espresso with tonic? What the f*ck!

Espresso Tonic: Sounds totally weird at first, doesn't it? But it is precisely this unusual combination of bitter-tart-tasting tonic water on ice with a freshly brewed, hot espresso that is the new must-have for all coffee fans and trendsetters worldwide.

And where did the cult drink actually originate?

Nobody knows exactly where the first espresso with tonic water was served. Some are convinced that it all started in Scandinavia, others swear by one of the hip cafés in Australia and still others say that the new cult drink was created somewhere between New York and Berlin. All the same. What is certain is that this drink quickly became a cult drink with a wow effect in the scene. The crazy mix of bitter tonic and strong espresso is addictive and offers exactly what you want from a trendy summer drink.

Roberto mixes an espresso and tonic
Roberto from Quattro Tavoli in Ehrengutstraße in Munich mixes an espresso and tonic

An espresso and tonic is so easy

Don't worry, making an espresso with tonic water is as simple as it is ingenious – you only need three ingredients.

Ingredients for an espresso and tonic

  1. Espresso:
    High-quality espresso beans are the be-all and end-all. The beans should be freshly ground and the espresso brewed right before preparation.
  2. Tonic Water:
    Here it is important to choose a good quality tonic water, as the taste of the tonic varies greatly and has a great influence on the final result.
  3. Ice cube:
    For the right refreshment, ice cubes should not be missing.

Our tip: Instead of a tonic water from the supermarket, try Natural Waterfusions from the OH LA LAQUA Bitter Edition. They taste just as bitter and tart as Schweppes & Co., but contain neither sugar nor sweeteners. So you get a perfect caffeine kick without a sugar crash. BITTER ORANGE in particular, with its fruity-fresh notes, goes wonderfully with a fresh, Italian espresso.

And this is how to prepare an espresso tonic with OH LA LAQUA BITTER ORANGE:

With OH LA LAQUA Bitter Orange you can prepare a sugar-free espresso tonic in just a few minutes.

Recipe Espresso Tonic

  1. Fill a sufficiently large glass with ice cubes.
  2. Pour a stick pack of OH LA LAQUA Bitter Orange into about 150-200 ml of sparkling water and then pour over the ice cubes.
  3. As soon as the bubbling of the sparkling water has calmed down, slowly pour a fresh, hot espresso over the ice cubes into the glass so that both liquids mix together just as slowly and the crema of the espresso is preserved.

Your fruity-refreshing espresso tonic is ready – powered by OH LA LAQUA!

Our tip: For an additional, fruity note and of course for the eye, you can garnish the whole thing with a few orange zests.

By the way: Espresso with tonic water also works with all other varieties from the OH LA LAQUA Bitter Edition. Just give it a try and find the perfect match for your next espresso and a carefree Dolce Vita moment - whether at home or in the office.

Bitter substances are the key to taste

For a summer drink, the ingredients should not be heavy, nor should they taste too sweet and sticky. An aromatic espresso with the bitter-tart taste of an OH LA LAQUA Tonic goes extremely well with it. And the bitter substances lead to the fact that you perceive all aromas better and more intensely, especially those of the espresso. This is related, among other things, to the complex interaction of our taste receptors and the overall perception of taste. So be prepared for something.

Fresh, awake and ready to go!